President Who?

Ok here is how it works people. Educate yourself please. And share, share, share.

If you think your voice does not make a difference then you have already lost.

I am devastated at the thought that Donald Trump is our President Elect. There is nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said. He has given a voice to the closet racists, of whom there are many, to act out and voice those feelings. I am afraid for my daughters & friends which encompass a varied cornucopia of life. Is this the example of a man that I want them to have? No! Thank God for the men that are in our lives.

I am afraid for our freedoms and our capacity to be great. The vote just reduced us to an International laughing stock. Let’s watch on live TV how the very fabric of what we stand for from our forefathers to current time gets ripped apart by this megalomaniac narcissist. You can argue that he can’t do that because he has to go thru a process. But he can, he has the talent to cause chaos on a mass scale. So, yes he has the capacity to do that. Why? He doesn’t give up and never stops to think he might be wrong. He is goal oriented, organized and extremely manipulative. He rules by fear and steps on anyone who opposes him. That’s why. Putin, Stalin, Hitler, Tom Jones, Kim Jong Un, Fidel Castro…so many that have risen so far, only to put their own people down like dogs. I have the shivers just writing this.

We just answered that age old question ‘How could the people have let this happen?’ Just like this. By allowing fear and ignorance to rule as opposed to righteousness and love.

If this is what I have to accept. So be it. I am an American. I will stand for my country. He will be his own undoing. I don’t see how he can make it 4 years without committing an impeachable act. Can he be impeached for acts he committed before gaining the Presidency? I don’t know. I will be researching and studying from today on, because I want to know.

Here is what I do know. There is still hope. Please read this carefully. Do your own research and share, share, share? Make this something everyone knows right now. Today. NOW!!!!

Let me try to explain it. There are 538 Electoral votes up for grabs. A candidate needs 270 to nab the presidency. The final decision will be made on Dec 19 when The Electoral College casts their votes. Generally, Electors will pledge their vote to the candidate that wins their state. They are Pledged Electors. If they vote differently than their pledge they become “faithless electors”. Listen carefully now there are only 21 states.  Some Electors do not pledge their vote and are called Unpledged Electors, they will usually swing the way their state goes. In an election where the margins are so paper thin, they the “faithless” can swing the election the other way. They can but are they willing? That is the nail biter now.

The vote was split in a very close race, where the assumption is the the Electoral Vote is going to stand as it is now at:

228 (232 Hilary Clinton

despite the popular vote:

59,938,290 Hilary Clinton

59,704,886 DT

This can make the difference. Not in the states where the margin is more than 5% points but how about in the states where the margin was so so close. Only problem is Can those Electors have the courage and bravado to become “faithless electors“? The biggest hurdle is that 29 out of the 50 states are either bound to their party by law or impose fines to those who go against their party. There are 21 states where the Elector is not bound by law. I have to go thru the list and I will post it.

There is a precedent where the Electoral College has chosen the Presidency despite the Polpular Vote.

This has happened 4 times our past history.

1824: John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson (Meh..was chosen by the House of Representatives because the electors could not reach a majority vote)

1876: Rutherford B. Hayes over Samuel J Tilden

1888: Benjamin Harrison over Grover Cleaveland

2000: George W. Bush over Al Gore

So on Dec 19th, The Electoral College, that we just helped elect, will cast their votes. The majority of the time the Electors will vote by way of the popular vote ( 1824 doesn’t really count but that’s a much longer story).

If Hillary keeps her holds and gains just 38 more votes…there can be a flip of the Presidency to her. Below are the states with the tightest margin.

Florida (29) 47.8% 49.1% Elector bound to party

Michigan (16) 47.3% 47.6% Elector bound to party

Pennsylvania (20) 47.6% 48.8% Electors not bound to state

Wisconsin (10) 46.9% 47.9% Elector bound to party

Arizona (11) 45.3% 49.7% Electors not bound to party

North Carolina (15) 46.7% 50.5% Elector bound to party

What now? Well take it to a ROARING Social Media. There are 60 million people out there that did not want DT in office. They spoke loudly and spoke very clearly…now 60 million, the majority, need to convince those 38 Electoral Voters that our country is on the verge of regressing to a time when women could not vote(Susan B. Anthony is rolling in her grave) and black people were considered animals. A place where a homosexual would stay in the closet and shivel and hide. Where a tran-of-any-permutation was an abomination. This is not what I am teaching my kids, I would like my country to continue to move forward. A place that is not perfect but at least a life matters, no matter how they choose to live it.

I am what I am.




Blind or Just Stupid?

stu·pid (ˈst(y)o͞opəd/) adjective
1. lacking intelligence or common sense

rac·ist (ˈrāsəst/) noun
1. a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another

My head is swimming. There is so much going on around me, husband, kids, parents, work, church, school. That it sometimes feels like anything else is just too much. I have cut out people in my life that didn’t add to it’s progression, we all have those, the ones that you spend so much energy talking about that you end up spent and most visibly not sated. The ones that call you only when they need something or in my case lie to you and then try to justify it somehow. Most of these just drop off if you don’t contact them, some stop calling if you continually turn down outings, some you cut out because they offended or insulted you for the last time. I blatantly and very directly cut one of those tumors off about a year ago almost exactly and they emailed me a few days ago…SERIOUSLY! They’re email started with “I do not want to email you…” OH REALLY! They just “thought I should know” about a situation that after I checked it out wasn’t real…not a shock, since this person lives in their own warped sense of reality. This story I am not emotionally ready to share just yet but I will at some point.

I wasn’t shocked by this persons email or what he was “warning” me about, but by the fact that after knowing me for so many years professionally and personally they had the gall to say ” I don’t know if you…are a racist or not…” Great way to push my buttons…sort of. This person is completely unhinged with a seemingly OK life. Strained and struggling but for all intents appearing to be normal. The partner has no idea the depth of this persons behavioral problems, narcissistic sociopath, bipolar, thief, pathological liar…I am not equipped come up with all of the issues that I now know are bubbling right on the surface for this person. I did not respond, I will never respond to this person, as I promised them in our last communication that I would never speak to them again. I keep my promises but I’ll be dammed if somewhere in my heart and brain I held onto the word racist. So I am unloading this on you, to get it off my chest and maybe out of my system once and for all. Here is what I would say to That person were I speaking to them:
—-How dare you? You who threw your career away by calling the people who hired you and opened up so many doors for you, racists. Why? Because you were sloppy and were called out on it and you didn’t like it. You who embezzled money from people that were close to you and when you got caught you said they were liars, that they were blaming you because they were racists, you whom at every wrong, deceitful turn YOU HAVE taken you called out the race card, when caught. I have watched you for so many years dig the hole you find yourself in. Watching as the arsenal of stories of your stupid behavior grow and grow. For you to even consider the word racist in the realm of my name is mind boggling. I am a mutt, throw a dart at a globe and I probably have ancestry from there. I don’t believe that I am superior in race to anyone else. I don’t care what the tint of your skin is, your religious preference, what your sexual preference is or even what your political stance is. I don’t believe in judging people on those terms, I find that ignorant. My friends and family are there because they are good people who make me feel good about this world we live in and make me laugh despite the hardships and love me despite my own shortcomings and know that before anything else I hold my family (those related by blood or chosen over the years) most sacred. My personal motto is a Voltaire quote “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” I believe this to my bones. For you to insinuate that maybe I could be a racist shows what a pathetic excuse for a human being you are. You are the definition of ignorant. You are the definition of stupid. But what you are first and foremost is blind…the saddest part is that the true beauty that is right in front of you is lost to you because you are a meaningless soul.

Simple and content, I am who I am.